Time Flies...

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Evaluation Task 4 How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

This is me using Photoshop to transform a feather for my Teaser Poster. Photoshop was a vital tool in making the Teaser Posters and Magazine Front Cover. It allowed me to manipulate images to my liking.

Blogger was used to publish all my research and my teaser trailer.

I really only used Youtube to post my Teaser Trailer however I also used it to get the Wing Clip from Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core.

Adobe Premiere Effects was another key component in my Year 13 Teaser Trailer project as it was the program I used to edit my film and then upload it.

This is a tripod and camera I used to film my teaser trailer. It was a useful tool.

Thursday 14 April 2011

Evaluation Task 2 How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Annotated version of my film. Please pause to read if its to fast.

My main project and ancillary task share many things in common to link the two together. For starters; the logo. The Sky Angels logo appears on each poster along with the tag line which is also appears at the end of the trailer. And each one contains the website.
I also linked them together by color scheme. So like when Dawn's name appears in the Teaser Trailer, its in gold which is the color of the wings and text on her poster (the second poster by the way).
One of the things I think really attracts audiences is the contrast of the whole project. In the video its bright blue text on black then changes to black on red. The posters and magazine front cover have black backgrounds as well but very bold color to make them stand out.
The hands, like the text at the end of the Teaser, provided me with a way to get more characters into my piece. Since it would have taken me too much time to photoshop real people into my characters, I decided it would be a lot easier to go down the Tron route and just photoshop people's hands (mainly mine).

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Evaluation Task 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Click to Enlarge

-I have created a very unconventional teaser trailer. Unlike most, I went down the slow and ominous route. Due to lack of CGI, I was forced down this path but in a sense its fitting as the story its based of is very unconventional. Although there are a few things I kept the same; like the title and "coming soon" appearing at the very end. The costumes, location and props were very basic due to low budget however I still believe it fits.

-The story is based off a novel I have written so I had everything clearly laid out in my head. Again, lack of CGI prevented me from going very far but I feel the teaser trailer represented this story well through the use of voice overs. The destiny read out gives an idea of the plot like most fantasy prophecies do.

-The main character is slowly introduced. The first shot is an opening of her but you can't see her face yet. Then its a couple of medium shots. The main character is not fully revealed until the very end when she runs towards the camera.
I have very little special effects except for the transitions between shots. This keeps the trailer very simple.

-While I have said my story is quite unconventional, the main character, at times, can fall into that very girly herione type stereotype. She can act impulsively at times. This is shown here as she's running straight towards her burning house. The female villain at the end falls into the sadistic bitch stereotype which is clear by her scary smile.

-I didn't make the audience very clear in this piece, I realise, although with the villain at the end its most certainly not a kids film. And with the destiny being read out; its quite dark. I'd like my film to be for teens and older however.