Time Flies...

Sunday 31 October 2010

Hook Teaser Trailer

Another great example of a teaser trailer. Once again its based off a book (well more like a sequel to a book).

There is very little narrative other than its surrounding the villain of the popular book, Peter Pan. Other than that, we know nothing more. The actors are listed however its not said whom they are playing.

The music has a pirate theme to it and the map suggests it once again a pirate movie.

It is clear the footage was made just for the trailer.

Monday 18 October 2010

Pirates of the Caribbean Teaser Trailer Analysis

This is a great example of a Teaser Trailer.

It's quite clear, the footage was made just for the trailer and the only shot from the movie is the close up on the skeleton foot. The film is based off the ride at Disney world (hard to believe it ended up such a success... at least the first one). However, unlike with books, the number of people who have actually riden the ride is much lower and the fact that probably most people wouldn't know it was based off it. Because its a Jerry Bruckheimer and Disney film, they can afford to announce who the actors are.
The narrative is hinted at but not made clear. All we learn is there is a possible curse. (Though that could be worked out from the title; Pirates of the Caribbean Curse of the Medallion

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Plan: Idea 1

As I stated before how a lot of my teaser trailer will be difficult to film due to lack of CGI, I've come up with a way around that yet showing all the characters (relatively).

In my novel, eye colours have a huge signifigance such as Flyers have silver eyes while Waterlings have pure black eyes and the villains all have orange eyes and so on and so forth. So basically, I've started taking pictures of all my friends eyes and photoshopping them to the different colours and stuff. Here's one I completed just recently:

I think this actually looks really good. These are a pair of Flyer eyes. In my trailer, the images will move to fast that people shouldn't catch the mistakes.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Buried Teaser Trailer

A horror teaser trailer.

This is quite a simple but effective Teaser Trailer. We get from the Title that this Rey Ronald's has been buried alive and then from the 911 call he makes, he doesn't remember getting there. The genre is kind of a hyrbrid betwen horror, thriller and mystery. Its USP is being buried alive which is a lot of people's worst nightmare. The trailer is also very orginal. Because of this, the audience will be quite old maybe older teens (16) to adults (30).

It has very tense humming music which crescdo's into a high pitch frequency. The pace is rather fast due to his heavy panting while the pace of the clips is quite slow. The dialogue is a 911 call which is abruptly cut.

All that comes up for titles is the Lionsgate logo, the title and then "Coming Soon" with the film's website beneath it. Lionsgate is often associated with quality horror films such as Saw and The Haunting in Conneticut (apart of the Haunting series).

I might use a lot of black screen with voices cause its quite effective for building tension.

Research: Harry Potter 1 Teaser Trailer

Another famous book to movie adaptation.

Once again, the difficult thing is fans will know the story however the Teaser Trailer doesn't reveal much of the story other than that Harry is to become a Wizard. The teaser is a bit on the long side with a lot of long cuts which could suggest it be a boardline Teaser. Something to think about for my own film.

Research: The Last Airbender Teaser

This movie is based off a popular American-Anime show which is based off a book; its a still adapation.

Anyways, this is clearly a Teaser Trailer. Its quite obivious, this footage was only filmed for this trailer (though only those who have seen the show will know this). As soon as people see the name, they instantly know the story. Only M. Night Shyamaian is announced who is well known for films like the Sixth Sense, Signs and the Village. Although his work has been slipping of late so a lot of the Last Airbender fans were extremely nervous when this trailer was released and they turned out to be right.

Research: LotR's Fellowship of the Ring Teaser Trailer

This is quite an interesting Teaser Trailers. This was one of the firt trailers released for the Lord of the Rings series. Because my film idea is based off my novel, I'm looking to study fantasy films were are aptations from books. One key thing to note is fans who have already read the books pretty much know the story.

The reason I classed this as a boardline teaser trailer is cause while it shows all the actors and stuff, the story isn't revealed. Only fans will recongize like the catch phrase, "One ring to rule them all etc." and immediately go, "Oh its Lord of the Rings!" I think its also interesting to note that this trailer was made in early days cause they had a lot of scenes with the characters' costumes still being made and green screens.

And because this is a big budget production (directed by Peter Jackson and produced by New Line Cinema) they were able to announce rougly their release date; Christmas 2002, Summer 2003, Christmas 2003.

So for my film, I may not have to worry so much about the story being revealed since its based off a book which a lot of people have read.