Time Flies...

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Yr 12 Opening Two Minutes Teaser Trailer Shot List

Our teacher challenged us to write up a shot list; turning our Opening Two Minutes into a teaser trailer (including the whole plot), so here's mine.

Shot 1: Black screen with voice over reading white words, "I didn't ask for this."

Shot 2: Low angle mid shot of Villain smiling

Shot 3: Wide shot of burning Kingdom

Shot 4: Boy again, "I was just hungry."

Shot 5: Long shot of group of guards shouting, "STOP THIEF!"

Shot 6: "But here I am now."

Shot 7: Long, wide shot- Princess sliding at fork in the road

Shot 8: Mid shot- Princess running towards camera

Shot 9: Mid shot of boy running from guards

Shot 10: Black Screen- From the Director of Sky Angels

Shot 11: Low angle canted- Vivian walking under a bridge

Shot 12: Establishing shot of entire Kingdom

Shot 13: Wide shot of two people charging towards each other with swords raised

Shot 14: Over the Shoulder of swords clashing

Shot 15: Zoom out of girl screaming

Shot 16: Birds eye view pan of group of kids running through a field

Shot 17: Cut out to a wide shot of the entire field with them just barely being made out

Shot 18: Black Screen- "And from the Producers of Lord of the Rings"

Shot 19: Close up of main boy raising sword

Shot 20: Cut to long shot of same clip

Shot 21: Cut to wide shot of boy standing on the top of moutain with the sword starting to glow

Shot 22: Close up of colourful umbrella

Shot 23: Close up of villain's smile

Shot 24: Close up of a hand reaching towards something

Shot 25: Close up of sword being drawn from sheath

Shot 26: Wide shot of entire group of heroes

Shot 27: Close up on boy 1

Shot 28: Close up on boy 2

Shot 29: Close up on girl

Shot 30: Close up on girl 2

Shot 31: Close up on boy 3

Shot 32: Close up on main character

Shot 33: Medium shot of puma growling

Shot 34: Medium high angle shot of a man being flogged

Shot 35: Wide shot up of ballroom

Shot 36: Medium shot of villain and young woman dancing together

Shot 37: Wide shot of girl rolling down hill

Shot 38: Close up of girl landing

Shot 39: Wide shot of girl running through forest

Shot 40: High angle of girl with umbrella walking under bridge

Shot 41: Medium shot of her dying

Shot 42: Worm's eye view of villain looming over

Shot 43: Title

A bit random but its meant to be really quick.

Shot 44: Coming 2012

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